Be thou my vision

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart. (Dal­lan For­gaill)

So far as I can tell, the words 'vision' and 'division' have no shared root. But these two similar-sounding words say so much about where we place our faith and how we so easily jump the tracks.

Vision is about sight—the kind of sight that orients and drives us; sight that shapes our imaginations and guides our feet. Vision unites. Jesus, Be Thou my Vision.

Division is about partition. It's about organizing around something less than vision.

Jesus and the basics of faith unite believers. Doctrines, opinions, and perceptions separate us into tribes. Like the nation of Israel—for a while, a united nation with God as their King, yet organized into twelve tribes. At one point, division became more important than vision and Israel and Judah lost connection.

Isn't it the same today? Our tribalism—our organization around preferences, favorite doctrines, our opinions, and our perceptions—defines us more than a Uniting Vision: our shared identity and shared citizenship in the Kingdom.

Jesus, Be Thou my Vision.

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.

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