The Mission Gauge
Pervade world culture. Creatively enter every sphere of society to set things right and bring freedom.
Our everyday story is for God’s glory.
Jesus gave his followers this task: make disciples of all peoples (Matt. 28:18-20). As you depend on God, as you faithfully steward his grace, as you adapt to your new identity and new home culture, as you love indiscriminately, you can also help others see and do the same.
Wherever God places you, you are like radiation permeating the surrounding culture.
You are like yeast. (Matt. 13:33)
You are like salt. (Matt 5:13)
You are light. (Matt. 5:14)
You carry the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ. (2 Cor. 2:14)
These are all identity markers that you're learning to take hold of. Live your life in such a way that your prayers, attitudes, actions, and words bend the culture toward God's kingdom—in your church, in your group, at home, at work, in the marketplace, in the car, when you're alone; everywhere. And be alert to those ready to be born into the Kingdom. Lead them to Jesus and to their place in his body, the local church. (Col. 1:18)
Humility + Responsibility + Acclimation + Imitation + Mission
Five gauges of formation—of distinctness.
Am I purposeful in the way I live out my faith?
Do I make time and plans to invest in the freedom of others from sin and domains of oppression?
Do I have fresh stories about how I intentionally helped someone grow?
Is my life an expression of God’s kingdom?
Would people describe me as being in the world but not of it? Am I always looking for ways to introduce Kingdom life and values?
In the Bible, how am I told to express my faith in Christ?
What actions do I see in the Apostles and other disciples after Christ’s ascension? What was their motivation?
Can you point someone else to this website and have conversations with them about it?
How can you use your influence (prayers, choices, decisions, actions, attitudes, words) to bend culture toward God's kingdom—in your church, in your home, in your workplace, in your neighborhood, even when you're by yourself?