(This is written at a time when a large number of Americans have received at least one dose of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.)
Is the COVID vaccine effective? We are told yes. But we’re also told to continue wearing our face coverings. I know several people who are very bothered by this contradiction.
I’m wondering why people aren’t more bothered by another contradiction. Was Christ’s death on the Cross effective? Does the Gospel change anything? Apart from Jesus’ sacrifice, we were destined for an eternity of guilt, shame, and fear. This is death—an endlessly broken relationship with God, who is Life. But, in Christ, that relationship was reconciled and we have been restored to innocence, honor, and spiritual power. This is Life. Abundant Life.
So, why do we still talk about saved people (maybe ourselves) as ‘worms’ and ‘depraved’? Why get a vaccination if it makes no practical difference? And why give our heart allegiance to Jesus if we’re still stuck in our guilt, shame, and fear?
Yes, we still carry around the brokenness written into our cells. But why not see ourselves as God sees us? Isn’t it better to trust that Christ’s death and resurrection really did make all things new? And then learn how to live in this newness?
At the same time, we can affirm the necessity and availability of God’s grace in all of this. It’s all by his grace.