No wiggle room

The sign at the park reads "Dogs must be on a leash at all times."

Of course there are those who feel rules are made for everyone else. Nothing new about that.

Then there are others who know they should follow the rules. But maybe they won't get caught this time. Yes, that happens too.

But today I saw fresh evidence for why rules can never work. Two people with dogs walking past the sign. The dogs did wear leashes but no one was holding the other end. The dogs ran free.

Rules are incapable of governing behavior. Clever people can always find a way around.

That's the Old Testament way—lip service but no heart. By contrast, it's the Jesus way—the Law of Love—that hems us in. This Law of Love leaves no wiggle room.

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.

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