Fitbits for our walk
Yesterday three women with identical Fitbits were having a lighthearted conversation about what these devices have done for them and to them. Their laughter was over comments like this: "If my Fitbit battery needs to be charged, I make sure I stay on the couch so I don't miss any steps!"
Fitbits were developed to promote health—to help people pay attention to areas of neglect: too few steps, too slow of a pace, too much sitting. We can only laugh at our new belief that an unrecorded step is a bad step.
Discipleship tools serve a similar purpose—bring attention to areas of neglect in order to promote health. Ignoring aspects of our walk leads to a spiritual flabbiness. But as with our physical walk, a discipleship step that isn't noticed, recorded, analyzed, and reported, is still a step. It contributes to growth and strength.
Keep moving.