On surrender and love
“[The Father] has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son”
My simplest answer to the question What do you do? is this: I help people adapt to heaven culture. When people accept Jesus' invitation to follow him, they leave one culture and enter another, very different, culture. This defection requires full surrender. But surrender to whom?
Christians are often encouraged to 'lay down their rights'—to surrender. And I think we confuse this with love. We're called to love and to serve other Christians, our neighbors, even our enemies. But we don't surrender to their expectations. We surrender to God. Jesus didn't surrender to Pilate's expectations, he surrendered to the Father's will. (John 19:10-11, Matthew 26:39)
Once we've surrendered to God, self-denying others-oriented love becomes an act of spiritual warfare. And it should be waged aggressively and indiscriminately.