First, do the site work
Often we're told that building a faith structure begins with laying a good foundation. But really it begins (or should) with doing adequate site work. Whatever foundation we may lay, we have to first see that it sits on another foundation. And if we don't understand the nature of this existing foundation, ours will be unstable; our entire faith structure will be vulnerable to damage or collapse.
When I hear that someone's circumstances have caused them to question their faith;
When I see that someone's religion consists only of rote routines;
When I watch people put so much energy into dealing with fear and earning God's favor;
When I hear that a person's only concern is where they will go when they die;
And when I watch Christians suffer because of consistently bad decision-making;
I suspect they've set their foundation on top of a poorly-understood base.
Most people are smart. Most people can build a solid structure if they just know what the ground is like beneath. As leaders, we need to help people clear the land, take core samples, and study the True Foundation patiently and carefully. It's wonderful when we can do this right from the start. But whenever we're given the chance, let's commit our greatest energies to this.