More about worms

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about a morning liturgy. When I’m walking and see a worm on the pavement, I catch it and throw it back into the grass. Have you tried picking a worm up off the pavement? It’s not easy. When they’re stretched out, clinging to their world, it’s hard to get a hold on them.

But if I just touch them first, they wriggle their way right into my hands.

This is a good metaphor for me and God. So long as I cling to my world, I’m difficult for God to grasp. He sees me headed for danger. He sees I’m going to dry out in the harsh sun. But, for the moment, I’m comfortable—oblivious to God’s care.

Then he touches me. Maybe with a sunset. Maybe with a sting. He has my attention and I wriggle into his hands. Safe.

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.



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