On Authority

We live in a world of competing ideas about reality. To advocate for a particular viewpoint is to submit to a particular authority. It should be obvious from this site, but I accept Jesus as my ultimate authority, and I do my best to understand reality from his life and teaching. We have been handed The Royal Law: love God and love others, or love God by loving others.

That being the case, I don’t expect everyone else to accept Christ’s authority over their lives (except for those who claim to be Jesus-followers). That’s their choice to make.

But if you are advocating for a viewpoint that’s different from mine, please share what authority stands behind your view. And if you are an authority unto yourself (“you do you”), don’t be surprised that I don’t accept your authority for myself. Why would you?

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.


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