Culture Coaching

Much has been said about Jesus’ way of discipleship. His shared life with The Twelve has figured into many messages on Small Groups. Sending the seventy out on mission has been used in support of short term mission trips.

But we know Jesus also had brief conversations with people. He taught in the temple. He fed people and healed them. He modeled prayer and submission to the Father. And he made points by challenging religious leaders.

A variety of methods.

But there was a consistency in his message: “The Kingdom of God is like…”

In this way, Jesus was a culture coach. And discipleship leaders should be like him. Whether we speak to thousands or meet with people one-to-one, we describe the Kingdom and help people adapt to its culture—not as tourists, but as immigrants. At times, it might be a light touch, like an episode of Rick Steves or Samantha Brown. Other times it might be a deep, immersive experience that’s more like sharing a home and life.

Whatever the approach, our message—as worship leaders, pastors, teachers, small group leaders, and counselors—begins with “The Kingdom of God is like…”

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.



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