Recency, Frequency, and Amount

For three years I worked as Development Director for a nonprofit organization. ‘Development’ is short for ‘donor development’, or fundraising. It happens that my wife works as a donor database administrator for an educational institution.

There’s a report development directors use (and that database administrators provide) to assess the general health of their work. The report shows Recency, Frequency, and Amount.

Recency: how recently did each donor give?

Frequency: how often does each donor give?

Amount: how much does each donor give?

This report maps the engagement of a nonprofit’s financial investors.

Might this also be a good way to assess our own involvements? Like with our community? Our family? Our church? And most importantly, our God?

Recency: how recently did we give?

Frequency: how often do we give?

Amount: how much do we give?

These metrics aren’t only—or aren’t even primarily—about our money. They’re about our time and attention. Our heart. Our desire.

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.

Ask my brother

