Good posture
Want to be healthy and avoid injury? Pay attention to your posture.
I mean your spiritual posture.
Wherever God places you, whatever he gives you to do, two things:
Bow down.
See God's majesty. Recognize his worth. Remember that he alone is all-knowing, all-powerful, and good. Surrender. Trust him.Take hold.
God is offering you everything you need for this moment. Take hold of it. Stretch out to receive it. Jump up to pull it down. Possess it.
Bow down and take hold. This is faith.
How many times have I bowed down, but failed to take hold of the grace I've been promised—moving timidly in my own strength?
How many other times have I taken hold of something God has given me, without first bowing down—and the 'tool' intended for blessing has become a weapon in my hands?
Pay attention to posture.