Born poor, reborn rich

At our church, we practice a discipline called My One Word. Each year we ask God for a word by which we will look for his work in us for twelve months. This year my lens-word is possess. 'Possess' is about taking hold of everything God gives me in Christ Jesus.

Four months into the year, I make three observations:

1. I think the word is too big. It's like Christmas morning when you receive too many gifts—when you want to stop opening and fixate on the gift you just unwrapped. But everyone else in the room is prodding you to move on.

2. I've seen again that I was born poor and reborn rich. Apart from these 'gifts' I could only feel disconnected, ashamed, fearful, insecure, unstable, rejected, vulnerable, insignificant, hopeless, victimized, defensive, and unsettled—that is, if I couldn't find something to distract me. But now I have moments—more and more moments—when I get that I've been reborn into 'old money'—family wealth and security, connection, acceptance, and power, going way back.

3. There's an ever-present danger of focusing too much on the 'gifts' and too little on the Giver.

Eight months to go with this word. And a lifetime to possess these gifts.

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.

Good posture

