A personal trainer
In my last blog post I offered that it's best to know the people we disciple so we can introduce them to the right information and experiences at the right time and at the right pace. To do this, we generally sort people into categories.
But then we notice: within each category, we have a new set of categories. And within this new set, still more categories. Inevitably we get to individuals—every one unique. And that's overwhelming because we are limited in our capacity—we are finite.
Here's the game-changer: God is infinite. If a person's discipleship depends on us, we will be exhausted and the person will be short-changed. But if it depends on God, every person will receive exactly the training they need, when they need it.
The greatest training we can give people is to train them to be trained by Him. Train them to pray, to fast, to read and memorize Scripture, to observe God's work in others, to journal, to serve, to give, to step into places where they will certainly need God's help.
Don't train them to do these things 'because they should'. Train them to do these things because, in doing them, they will be trained by God. And it will be the most customized, most personalized training.