The ol’ college try

Two ways to wash clothes:

  1. Throw everything in together and press 'Start' (like I did in college).

  2. Carefully sort the clothing and use the most appropriate settings for each type.

Two ways to cook a meal:

  1. Throw the ingredients you can find in a pot and apply heat (like I did in college).

  2. Carefully select the best ingredients, add them at the appropriate times, monitor the heat and other conditions, and adjust the pace.

When discipling people, 'the old college try' comes up short. Getting Things Done (GTD) is too blunt. We need to know our people, choose the best materials, offer information and experiences at the right times, and pay attention to context and pace.

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.

A personal trainer


Do the right thing anyway