Do the right thing anyway

Now Jesus turned to address his disciples, along with the crowd that had gathered with them. “The religion scholars and Pharisees are competent teachers in God’s Law. You won’t go wrong in following their teachings on Moses. But be careful about following them. They talk a good line, but they don’t live it. They don’t take it into their hearts and live it out in their behavior. It’s all spit-and-polish veneer.
— Jesus, in Matthew 23:1-3 The Message

There are regions of the U.S. where governments are a little more 'hands on'. These areas tend to have lower speed limits and feel others should too. "Don't you care about the environment? What about safety?"

But a visitor to one of these places—who drives at the speed limit—will feel like she's riding a bicycle on the Autobahn.

We see this attitude often; sometimes in ourselves. The Christian's response is always to follow Jesus—even when religious people make it hard.

Rick Shafer

Christian faith formation at Port City Community Church. Author. Husband, dad, and grandpa.

The ol’ college try


The edge of mayo